  • 期刊


Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment of a 70-Year-Old Patient with Parkinson's disease and Complications of a Fall: A Case Report


跌倒為重要且常見的老年症候群之一,跌倒引起的直接傷害與其他併發症,不僅造成老人身心傷害與功能退化,也為社會、醫療、家庭帶來龐大的照護負擔。若老年人罹患巴金森氏症這樣的神經退化性疾病,因為平衡障礙、肢體僵硬、步態凍結(Freezing of gait, FOG)、轉位困難等症狀,將有更高的風險發生跌倒。對於這樣的老年族群,應該透過多專業團隊的周全性老年評估,找出跌倒的內在與外在危險因子,進行介入以預防跌倒,常見的老年跌倒預防方式,包括藥物調整、運動訓練與復健(包含物理治療、職能治療)、充足日曬或維生素D的補充,以及居家環境改造,例如減少室內動線的障礙物、浴室及浴缸內鋪上防滑膠墊、放置不積水且防滑的矮凳以方便坐著淋浴、坐廁及浴室周圍加裝安全扶手、居家活動範圍維持適度照明等。藉由多重因子的介入,以期減少老年跌倒的發生及相關傷害,維持老人的整體功能,提升生活品質,降低對醫療體系及家庭照顧的負擔。


Fall, one of the most common geriatric syndromes, can lead to injuries that result in functional decline, depression, and lower quality of life, not only affecting the physical and mental well-being of the affected elderly but also posing considerable burdens on the healthcare system. Parkinson's disease (PD) is a well-recognized risk factor for falls. Mechanisms for falls in the elderly with PD include postural instability, freezing of gait (FOG), and difficulty with transfers. To help prevent falls and its related injuries in the elderly with PD, a multifactorial falls risk assessment followed by multidisciplinary interventions should be performed. The interventions may include modification of medications, rehabilitation and exercise training, adequate intake of vitamin D, and environmental improvement at home.
