  • 期刊


Study of Risk Factors Associated with 3-month Mortality in Hospitalized Elderly Patients and Subgroup Analysis: a Retrospective Cohort Study in a Southern Medical Center




老年醫學 死亡 預後 巴氏量表


Elders are susceptible to diseases possibly due to physical and functional decline. In addition, if elders were categorized into three groups, young-old, old-old and oldest-old, previous studies had shown mortality is highest in the last category, implicating there are unique characteristics in elders and their subgroups. Therefore, our study aimed to study the prognostic factors of 3-month mortality in the hospitalized elders admitted to a medical center in southern Taiwan. 466 participants were included in our study, and their sex, age, serum creatinine, barthel index and comorbidity were recorded during admission. Thereafter, survival conditions were followed after 3 months. The results showed barthel index, serum creatinine, cancer and pressure sore were significant prognostic factors of 3-month mortality after admission. Furthermore, the capability of the prognostic model trended down when age increased and bottomed in the female oldest-old.


geriatrics mortality prognosis barthel index
