  • 期刊


A Preliminary Study of Ming and Qing Chinese Buddhist Texts in Vietnam




Vietnam has long been influenced by Chinese culture, and Chinese texts have also been transmitted back and forth in the exchanges between the two countries. In Vietnam during the 17th and 18th centuries, the Lê Dynasty gradually declined, leading to social instability and civil war. At around the same time in China, during the Ming-Qing transition, many Chan masters from Guangdong, such as the monk Chuyet Chuyet, came to Vietnam at the invitation of the rulers. They brought not only the Dharma, but also Chinese Buddhist texts, injecting new elements into the declining Vietnamese Buddhism. Most of the Buddhist texts currently kept in Vietnam were re-introduced after the Lê dynasty. They were brought either by emigrating Chinese or by Vietnamese Buddhists who went to China in search of texts. For example, in the early 18th century, the Vietnamese Master Xingquan went to Dinghushan Qingyun Temple in Guangdong. He obtained Buddhist texts there, particularly Vinaya texts, and brought them back to Vietnam, introducing new developments in the Vinaya tradition such as the triple platform ordination. Most of the texts coming into Vietnam during this time were from the Jiaxing canon. They were later collected during the French colonial period and then held at the Institute of Hán-Nôm Studies. Also, many texts were reprinted in Vietnam by local monks due to damaging effects of the humid climate. Although these texts may have undergone some changes, they basically retain the content and style of the Ming and Qing dynasties, preserving texts that would have otherwise been lost.


《般若心經直說》,CBETA,X26,no. 542。
《補續高僧傳》,CBETA, X77, no. 1524。
《解惑編》,《嘉興大藏經》冊 35,臺北:新文豐出版社,1987 年,第 325 經。
《各寺經板‧玉山善書略抄目錄》(Các Tự Kinh Bản: Ngọc sơn Thiện Thư Lược Sao Mục Lục),越南漢喃院館藏,編號 A. 1116。
《大南禪苑傳燈集錄》,福田和尚校訂,清河奉寫,越南漢喃院藏,編號 A. 2767。
