  • 期刊


An Forgotten Link in the History of Buddhist Logic in the Ming and Qing: Zhengui's Ming Commentary on the Yinming ru zhengli lun




Six works on Buddhist logic from the Ming and Qing dynasties are preserved in the Zokuzōkyō canon, including Zhenjie's 真界 Yinming ru zhengli lun jie 因明入正理論解. Existing scholarship on Ming and Qing Buddhist logic tends to rely on these six texts. However, there are other extant works which may be used for new research on this topic. One such work is Zhengui's 真貴 Yinming ru zhengli lun jijie 因明入正理論集解, which is the focus of the present article. After first describing that text's philological features and outlining Zhengui's biography, this article investigates the text's exegetical features, with a case study on its investigation of concepts related to the thesis member, in order to find out its position in the history of Ming and Qing Buddhist logic. Zhengui's commentary appears to be based on a survey of literature that was available at the time. Zhengui's interpretation was broadly adopted in a later text composed by Zhenjie, the Yinming ru zhengli lun jie, which contributed to Zhengui's earlier work being forgotten by later generations. Nevertheless, it is clear that Zhengui's ideas were absorbed and inherited by later works, and consequently, his work directly and indirectly influenced the study of Buddhist logic in Ming and Qing. Zhengui's text therefore represents an important early link in the development of Buddhist logic in the Ming and Qing dynasties, which scholars have previously overlooked.


《大乘阿毘達磨雜集論》,《大正藏》冊 31,第 1606 經。
《因明入正理論》,《大正藏》冊 32,第 1630 經。
《因明入正理論疏》,《大正藏》冊 44,第 1840 經。
《宗鏡錄》,《大正藏》第 48 冊,第 2016 經。
《大唐大慈恩寺三藏法師傳》,《大正藏》冊 50,第 2053 經。
