  • 期刊


On Richard Wilhelm's Missionary Approach


As a Christian missionary, Richard Wilhelm (1873-1930) never baptized a soul. But he devoted himself to education, to the translation of Chinese classics and the promotion of cultural exchange between China and Germany. So he is better known as an accomplished Sinologist. Wilhelm had never for a day given up his Christian faith or missionary calling. He merely chose to carry out his mission in a manner different from his fellow missionaries. His approach to missions reflects his understanding of Christianity and his ultimate concern for mankind and society. To him, Christ was more than a religious leader. He represented mankind and God-given human nature. Before God, all men are equal-Europeans and Chinese alike. Indeed, he felt that the highly sophisticated and rationalistic Chinese culture complemented what was lacking in Western culture. The purpose of his missionary work was to facilitate East-West exchange and to build peace and unity for God's Kingdom on earth.


