  • 期刊


The Apostle Paul & the Introspective Conscience of the West




Since Augustine, the Western church, particularly in the thought of Luther, has regarded the Apostle Paul as an example of introspective conscience. According to this view, Paul was bound by the law and his sin both before and after his conversion, and with his "plagued conscience" sighing "wretched man that I am" (Romans 7:25). he put forward the doctrine of justification by faith to solve this general and timeless human dilemma. However, a closer examination of the Epistles of Paul in the 1st century missionary context shows that Paul never thought he was incapable of observing the law, but that he had a "robust conscience" which was not disturbed by the law or sin. Rather, the purpose of his doctrine of justification by faith was to find a theological solution for including Gentile Christians in God's salvation. In summary, Paul's conscience was "robust", not "plagued", and his doctrine of justification by faith concerned primarily ecclesiology, not soteriology.
