  • 期刊


The Canvas of Emotion-A Case Study of Wasf (Song 4:1-7)




The commonsensical acknowledgement of the tie between emotion and poem often assumes a layman's understanding of emotion, lacking the theoretical depth and fruitfulness that contemporary critical studies on the feeling brain, ethics and poetry now afford. This paper will take an interdisciplinary approach that combines congruent theoretical threads from neuroscience, ethical theories and modern poetry criticism to examine how emotion holds the key in interpreting and applying biblical poetry. A close reading of Song 4:1-7, which has caused confusion among interpreters, will serve to illustrate the point. This reading will reveal how the lover's delight constitutes the base shade of the poem, how the imageries are cued by his aesthetic delight, and how words are strung into pictures, in order to embody the authenticity of his exuberant delight and provoke this emotion in the audience. This paper will conclude with a brief exposition on a theoretical sketch of emotion and sensibility, as well as their ethical importance in lyrical experiences.
