  • 期刊


A Case Study of Physical Education Student Teachers' Implementation of Teaching Games for Understanding (TGfU)


探討中學體育師資生在集中實習時,運用遊戲比賽促進戰術理解之教學(理解式教學)(Teaching Games for Understanding, TGfU),針對知覺面(教學前)、實施面(教學中)與反思面(教學後)。研究方法以訪談法、參與觀察法、內容分析法,立意取樣4位。教學項目以球類為主,並以持續比較法將進行分析與歸納。結果發現,一、知覺面-特色:引發學習動機的教學、先行遊戲比賽的教學、提升教學能力與培養教材教具能力。二、實施面以教學前、中與後期進行探討成功經驗與問題情境之遭遇情形。三、反思面-體育課經驗、專業知能與知覺上的衝突、學生能力與高國中生階段動機、課程流程與評量、教學環境、學校風氣、師資培育單位及場地。研究建議增加中學體育師資生在教學時成功的經驗,加入實習輔導教師及實習指導教師的協助、以供給師資培育單位參酌。


The purpose of this study was to explore student teachers' (STs) implementation of Teaching Games for Understanding (TGfU) during their teaching practice in a secondary school. Student teachers' perception, teaching practice, and reflection of their teaching practice were examined during 5 weeks teaching practicum. Four participants (2 males and 2 females) were selected from the teaching practicum course. Qualitative research method was adopted, including class observations, interviews, and professional dialogue with the university supervisor, and teaching reflection journals. All gathered data were transcribed and then analysed with the inductive method. Firstly, the results indicated that STs' perception was focused on a student-centered orientation and tactical awareness, teaching skills, expression, creativity, observation and classroom management skills. Secondly, in terms of teacher education program, the designing games activities, the implementation of the successful experience, the limits of time and equipment factors, time management, students' acceptance were the major parts while STs implemented TGfU. Cooperating teachers' (CTs) support or lack thereof and problem-solving context of the situation were encountered during the STs' implementation. Finally, in terms of the teaching reflection, STs' past experience, professional knowledge and ability, students' ability and students' motivation and different competency levels, assessment process, and learning environment were major factors. Implications extracted for the future showed that: 1. To assist CTs and UTs to build teachers' professional development network platform; 2. To build TGfU community data base; 3. To enhance the STs' self-efficacy.


陳則賢(1995)。Mosston 命令式與練習式教學愛國中體育教學效果之研究(未出版之碩士論文)。國立臺灣師範大學體育系,臺北市。


