  • 期刊


Organizational Communication, Conflict Management, and Co-Marketing: The Value-Creation of Global Strategic Alliance Context


全球化趨勢已然影響當今商業中之產業和企業,而企業在高度全球化產業競爭環境中依然可能提高競爭力,此正如先前學者所建議並運用策略聯盟,在區域共同市場行銷合作中,提高滿足顧客的需求,進而產生企業的競爭優勢。在台灣保險產業中,三商美邦人壽是唯一全台與外商進行策略聯盟,且與美國MassMutual金融集團進行策略聯盟多年。透過此機構並借用此經驗,本研究對此機構的直屬主管與員工各發放並回收340及640份問卷。透過SPSS統計工具分析,其中信度包括Cronbach's α,而效度方面包含KMO值,Bartlett χ2的統計顯著性意義,特徵值,構面總解釋變量及因素分析。同時亦採用Newbert(2008)所建議的Harman單因子測試法(One-factor test)來檢定CMV(Common method bias)中提及的同源偏差(Single source bias)。基於此信效度分析,本研究亦進行敘述性之相關分析及構面共線性之分析(Collinearity)。而Baron與Kenny(1986)所建議的交互迴歸及結構方程(SEM)進行假設的驗證。此研究發現(含產業競爭環境為控制變數):當企業位處於產業競爭環境中,管理者提高對組織內員工進行策略聯盟的溝通與適時的調和組織各部門間不同的意見,將能提升在策略聯盟中的此區域共同市場行銷合作。然而當組織部門間隨著意見衝突提高時,管理者應視意見衝突程度略降後,再進行溝通協調。其原因推論為當意見衝突提升時,其組織氛圍環繞著對置而不協調的情緒,故在此時進行溝通反而形成負面效果。


Globalization refers to the process of increasing social and cultural inter-connectedness, political interdependence, and integral economic, financial and market. The effects of globalization have been far more influence in each individual, business, industry, and country. In fact, an enterprise is still highly possible to reach their performance advantage in the highly competitive environment. For example, prior studies have suggested that a strategic alliance through co-marketing cooperation can satisfy their customer needs so that the competitive advantage can be maintained. Since Mercuries Life, subsequently renamed MassMutual Mercuries Life (三商美邦人壽) is the only one company that has experienced a strategic alliance with MassMutual Financial Group of the U.S., for many years, this company is naturally suggested as the sample to study. Through the questionnaires distributed and collected from to managers (340) and employees (640) of the company and using the SPSS statistical analysis tools, the significant results (including the competitive environment as the controls) show: When the company faces the competitive environment, the managers enhance their organizational communication and conflict management that can uplift their co-marketing cooperation from the strategic alliance. However, while the organization fulfills with the higher level of conflict, the managers should not try to deal with that conflict by communication since the interaction of conflict management and communication in the empirical results in negative effect.
