  • 期刊

Lecture 4 Providential Empire? Early Nineteenth-Century British Overseas Missions in Asia

第四講 天佑的帝國?十九世紀初英國在亞洲的海外宣教


The modern British missionary movement and the modern British Empire emerged together amid the generation of 1790 and 1830 in Europe - that extraordinary generation that we considered in our previous lecture. It was this generation which the distinguished English historian of Christianity, W. R. Ward, described in his presidential address to the Ecclesiastical History Society in 1970 as 'the most important single generation in the modern history not merely of English religion but of the whole Christian world'. This was a bold claim to make, but it was not without evidence to support it. For this generation witnessed phenomenal changes and upheavals in the Western world. This was the generation that was shaken by the French Revolution and the Revolution's unprecedented assault on the institutional Churches. This was the generation that experienced sweeping movements of religious awakening that were linked with new movements of democratic nationalism and new notions about the capacities and potential of each individual. These included heart-felt, emotive forms of piety, with emphasis on personal conversion. This generation was affected by apocalyptic visions of the impending end of the world, and of the signs and wonders that portended the end time. Many were drawn to biblical prophecy and visions of the coming millennium. The Revolutionary and Napoleonic warfare contributed to revived beliefs across Europe in elect nations, in chosen peoples destined by God to represent His divine will in history. And as we will see in this lecture, this generation did much to end the iniquities of slavery and the slave trade and it greatly advanced the cause of Protestant overseas missions. Our focus will be on Britain, which was the great industrial and military power in the nineteenth-century world, and also the great nineteenth-century missionary state, sending out nearly as many Protestant missionaries as the rest of the world combined.






