  • 期刊

移動平均線結合箱型策略之運用-以台灣卓越50 ETF成分股為例

The Combination of Moving Average and Box Strategies: the Case of Taiwan Top50 Tracker Fund Constituents




In this study, we combine the moving average with the box strategies(only stop-loss but not stop-gain) to test the performance of investing the Taiwan Top50 Tracker Fund constituents, and compare that with the buy-and-hold strategies and stop-loss-stop- gain strategies. The empirical results are as follows: First, the box strategies prevail over the buy-and- hold and stop-loss-stop-gain strategies in the winning percentage. Second, the box strategies prevail over the stop-loss-stop-gain strategies in the annualized returns mean difference t-test. Third, the box strategies for 10%-7% type prevail over the other two box strategies in annualized returns mean difference t-test. Finally, we distinguish the Taiwan Top50 Tracker Fund constituents into finance、electron and conventional industries, and found the strategy of price breakthroughs combining with the 10%-7% box are better for all the three types of industries.
