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An Exploration of Parenting Efficacy, Broader Autism Phenotype, and Social Capital of Families with Autism


本文探討自閉症(Autism Spectrum Disorder, ASD)家庭所面臨的挑戰及親職效能的因素,以及父母自身特質和共親職的考驗等。可能影響親職效能的因素有:ASD子女的特質、ASD家長正向樂觀、低焦慮煩躁、情感性的社會支持、父母自身具有類自閉症特質(Broader Autism Phenotype, BAP)等。建議未來研究可探究ASD親職效能與日常家庭生活實踐的相關性,並深入瞭解ASD家庭互動及韌力發展。學術研究與實務工作宜通力合作,持續開發更具體可行的以家庭為中心的正向行為支持系統。


This study addresses the challenges facing families with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), factors of ASD parenting efficacy, parent's characteristics, and co -parenting. Influential factors include: autistic characteristics of children, parent's positive attitude and low anxiety level, emotional social support, and Broader Autism Phenotype (BAP). Future research may investigate the relationships between ASD parenting efficacy and daily life practice, as well as family interactions and resilience. Ongoing cooperation between research and practice is needed in order to establish a more feasible family-based positive behavioral support system.


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