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Temporal Trends and Spatial Distribution Characteristics of Air Quality Monitored in China from 2015 to 2020


Pollution caused by household and industrial development affects local, national, and international air quality through meteorological conditions and atmospheric transport. Being located in the East Asian continent, and given the local weather patterns, some Chinese pollution may be transmitted to other East Asian nations. For this reason, it is necessary to perform an analysis of changes in air quality in China, to understand how other nations local to China may be affected. This study collected data from Chinese pollution monitoring stations (1641 stations in 2020), that has been released by the China National Environmental Monitoring Station network. The data was cleaned and analyzed so that trends in PM_(2.5), SO_2, NO_2, and daily maximum 8-hr average ozone (DM8O_3) could be identified. The period examined was 2015 - 2020 and the temporal evolution and spatial variation of pollutants were analyzed. The distribution characteristics of pollutants in various regions were plotted on maps and seasonal data was also examined. During the six-year period, China's PM_(2.5) and SO_2 levels showed improvement year over year; whereas the NO_2 level deteriorated at first, and then improved. Similarly, DM8O_3 deteriorated at first, and then improved; however, in this latter case, the overall situation was still worse at the end of the period.


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