  • 期刊


Construction and Reconstruction of the Kaohsiung Fortress After World War II (1946-1950)




The Kaohsiung Fortress was a military stronghold established in 1946. It was subjected to continual renovations since its inception. In 1947, it was downsized, and subsequently expanded and underwent resource redistribution in 1948 because of the mobilization for the suppression of the Communist rebellion. It was further expanded in 1949 when the Nationalist government moved to Taiwan, and in 1950, it was downsized again when Taiwan and China began having separate governments. During the early Chinese Civil War, the Kaohsiung Fortress served as the base for recruiting, training, and supplementing artillery soldiers of the Republic of China Armed Forces (ROCAF). In addition, following the defeat of the ROCAF, the Kaohsiung Fortress served as a shelter for the ROCAF soldiers. In the Kaohsiung Fortress Headquarters, the region where reports, approvals, and document archiving were made encompassed the area that was under the jurisdiction of the Kaohsiung Fortress during the period of Japanese Rule. The areas included a part of the air force base, which created subsequent disputes. Consequently, the Kaohsiung Fortress Headquarters was challenged with various problems since its establishment, including poor military planning, shortage of personnel, funding, and equipment as well as sectionalism.


〈臺澎軍事建設情形謹列大端並派王參謀長趨前報告〉,(民國36 年)。國家發展委員會檔案管理局。檔號:0036/003.8/4010.2。
〈為核定高雄要塞司令部砲臺編制表請查照由〉,(民國35 年)。國家發展委員會檔案管理局。檔號:0035/581.26/0022。
〈高雄要塞沿革表(三十五年至三十九年)〉,(民國40 年)。國家發展委員會檔案管理局。檔號:0036/153.41/0022。
〈為呈送本部所轄要塞地區一覽表電請核備由〉,(民國35 年)。國家發展委員會檔案管理局。檔號:0035/560.1/1040。
〈為復高雄要塞司令部將臺南等空軍基地劃入要塞範圍內之根据由〉,(民國35 年)。國家發展委員會檔案管理局。檔號:0035/560.1/1040。
