  • 期刊




教師之自我效能感,與其教學表現以及學生之學習成就有密切之相關性。自我效能感高的教師,較能致力於教學工作,使用之教學方法較爲有效,用以管理班級之策略較爲人本導向,也較願意接受教育改革之措施,因而對學生之影響力高於自我效能低的教師。然而,影響教師之自我效能感的因素十分複雜,其中有一些因素是學校行政制度的問題,如校長的領導方式、學校賦予教師之自主權、學生之能力、家長和社區對敎師之支持程度等,如果能控制這些因素,就有可能提高教師之自我效能感,而影響其敎學表現,所以探究教師效能之相關因素,有其意義。因此,本研究乃初步調査教師的自我效能感,以了解是否會隨著教師個人及教室情境的部分因素之差異,而有所不同。本研究所採用的研究工具爲根據Gibson&Dembo(1984)所修訂之「教師效能量表」(Teacher Efficacy Scale)翻譯並改寫,研究對象為台灣省中部四縣市,即臺中市、臺中縣、南投縣、彰化縣之公立國民小學532名教師爲對象。主要之研究發現有:1.科任教師的自我效能感顯著高於級任教師。2.擔任主任之職的教師,自我效能感顯著高於一般敎師。3.資深教師自我效能感顯著高於資淺教師。4.擔任敎師科目三科及三科以上教師自我效能感顯著低於只有擔任敎學科目一科或兩科的教師。5.教師擔任不是專長教學科目越多,其自我效能感越低。6.願意參加研習活動程度高的教師,其自我效能感較高。7.家長對敎師敎學工作的支持程度較高,對敎師自我效能感有正面的影響。8.教師之自我效能感與工作滿意看法呈正相關-對教育工作越满意的敎師,其自我效能感越高。根據本研究之發現,研究者有下列之建議:國小應該增加教師參與重要工作決策及活動之機會、減少敎師任教科目、在職研習活動應以提昇敎學能力爲主要目的、加強親職教育、溝通教育理念、學校領導應促進學校同仁和諧的氣氛,教育人員應努力提昇國小敎師身分地位。




Teachers' self-efficacy will influence upon the teaching performance and students' academic achievement. Those teachers who have higher sense of efficacy will tend to be more committed to teaching, and more successfully in using teaching methods. They also tend to manage the classroom in humanistic way, and be more likely to accept the practice of innovation. Researchers have provided empirical data that are advancing our understanding of the complexities of variables shaped teachers' efficacy. School itself is the agent which has powerful influence on teachers' sense of efficacy, such as the administration and leadership, the autonomy school empowed to teachers, student's ability, the degree of support from parents and community. It is our hope to control of these variables will be good for raising teachers' sense of efficacy and to improve teachers performance. The studey determined the relatiohship between teachers' sense of efficacy and the factors attributed to the classroom teaching. The study adapted the「Teacher Efficacy Scale」 originally revised by Gibson and Dembo (1984), and which were administered to the samples of elementary school teachers served in Taichung municipal, Taichung country, Nantou conunty, and Changhua county. Following list presented the major findigs of the study. 1. Subject-teachers' sense of efficacy were significantly higher than those of classroom-teachers. 2. Teachers who were the head of department had higher sense of efficacy than those of other teachers. 3. Teachers who had more teaching experience tended to have higher sense of efficacy than those teachers who had less experience in teaching. 4. Teachers who taught three or more than three subjects had lower sense efficacy than those teachrs who taught one or two subjects only. 5. Teachers who taught more subjects that they were not expert would tend to have lower sense of efficacy. 6. Teachers who had higher willingness to participate in-servoice education program would have higher sense of efficacy. 7. The support from parents would positively influent on teachers' sense of efficacy. 8. There was a positive relationsip between the teacher's sense of efficacy and job satisfaction. Based upon findings, the author suggested that the school should: 1. offer opportunities allowed teachers to participate activities and decision making; 2. reduce the teaching load; 2. set up staff development program that foucus on the purpose of rasing teachers teaching ability; 3. involve parents in education; 4. create the harmonious climate of faculty; 5. promote the teachers' social status.


