  • 期刊


The Study about the Story of Dong Yong in The Ancient Manuscript of the Yao in Vietnam (Sách Cổ Người Dao)


〈董永與織女〉見於晉朝干寶所編的《搜神記》,內容描述董永至孝促使天帝令織女下凡助其償債。事實上,董永和織女的故事由來已久,與「孝子董永」故事混淆不清。因此,提到董永和織女的故事較早且可靠的文字記錄,學界一般都不會忽略干寶的《搜神記》。董永的故事,傳至隋唐,更見盛行。此外,現今所見資料最豐富的,又莫過於以敦煌石室裡的變文為主。〈董永變文〉的內容在〈董永與織女〉的基礎之上,亦即天女下凡與董永一同償債外,還發展出天女嫁與董永為妻,兩人育有子嗣-董仲等等的情節;使原有單純下凡助人的仙女,搖身一變成了為人生子的母神。於此而衍生出閩南一帶在七夕祭祀七娘媽的習俗,無子的婦女亦會在七夕向七娘媽祈求子嗣。不僅如此,在臺灣七娘媽還成了兒童的保護神,甚至於有「做十六歲」的成年儀式。不難發現,董永的故事在漢人文化圈一路發展,從故事而衍化到成為民間信仰和習俗,是有其脈絡可循的。有趣的是,這個故事也出現在瑤族人從中國帶至越南的《越南瑤族民間古籍》(Sách Cổ Người Dao)裡。《越南瑤族民間古籍》(Sách Cổ Người Dao)保存不少漢人文化圈中熟悉的民間敘事歌謠,因此,從文學「異本」價值而言,有其重要性,為本文首要介紹之重點。在該書收錄有一則故事,名為〈童(董)永古一本啟〉,越南語譯為Truyện Đổng Vĩnh。雖然同樣是董永類型的故事,卻因為越南瑤族有其獨特的成年禮儀式,而在故事情節上衍生出不同的變異。藉由故事文本的對照比較,將得以見到同一類型故事的差異,投射反映了不同文化(閩臺漢族/越南瑤族)的生活風俗特性。


'Dong Yong and Spinster-maid'(董永和織女) is recorded in "Sou Shen Ji"(《搜神記》). Its author is Gan Bao(干寶), who was an editor of the Jin Dynasty(晉朝) of China. This story says that Dong Yong was a dutiful person and God was moved by his filial piety. So God sent his daughter to help him pay off debts. In China, this story is a relatively early text. 'Dong Yong Bianwen'(董永變文)of the Tang Dynasty(唐代) was found in the Dun Huang Cave(敦煌石洞). On the basis of 'Dong Yong and Spinster-maid', 'Dong Yong Bianwen' is added with some new motifs. After the daughter of God helped Dong Yong pay off debts, she married him and then their baby was born. No doubt the Goddess became the Mother Goddess. Because of this, in the southern region of China and Taiwan there is a custom that people worship the Seven Star Goddess(七娘媽) in order to pray for heirs on the Chinese Valentine's Day(七夕). And the Seven Star Goddess is also the patron saint of children. Therefore, there is also the coming-of-age ceremony of "being sixteen years old". We can find such materials in "The Ancient Manuscript of the Yao in Vietnam"(Sách Cổ Người Dao,《越南瑤族民間古籍》). This book preserves a lot of familiar stories to Han people, and they are all presented in the form of narrative poems. From the study of "alternative texts" of literature, it is very important. Therefore, it is the primary focus of this article. In this book, there is a narrative poetry called 'Dong Yong Gu Yi Ben Qi(童永古一本啟, Truyện Đổng Vĩnh). However, 'Dong Yong Gu Yi Ben Qi' with 'Dong Yong and Spinster-maid' and 'Dong Yong Bianwen' are not the same in content. Through the comparison of these stories, we can see the difference between the Han and the Yao.Therefore, this article will discuss the role of Spinster-maid from a Goddess to the Mother Goddess through 'Dong Yong and Spinster-maid' and 'Dong Yong Bianwen'. And we introduce the custom about the belief of the Seven Star Goddess in the contemporary society of Taiwan. Finally, by comparing the text of the Yao in Vietnam and those records of the Han in China and Taiwan, we can find how different cultures have respective and direct influence on contents of the stories.
