  • 期刊


Effects of short-term supplementation of djulis on the aerobic exercise time of table tennis players


目的:本研究為探討短期補充紅藜對桌球運動員有氧運動時間之影響。方法:研究參與者為國立屏東科技大學桌球校代表隊的22名球員,以準實驗研究之不等組前後測設計,將參與者依體重平均分為紅藜組及安慰劑組。實驗前一周以Ergoline腳踏車及Bruce protocol測試全體研究參與者的最大攝氧量(VO2max),然後進行前測,以65% VO2max進行腳踏車運動至衰竭,並開始10天之實驗處理,以單盲設計補充紅藜/玉米澱粉,劑量為0.016g/kg/天,再進行後測。所得實驗資料分析以SPSS18.0進行單因子共變數分析(analysis of covariance, ANCOVA)、相依樣本t檢定,探討兩組實驗處理後的運動持續時間是否有差異。結果:紅藜組及安慰劑組兩組以強度65% VO2max進行腳踏車運動至衰竭,兩組後測運動時間無顯著性差異;再進行組內比較,安慰劑組與紅藜組的前測與後測運動時間亦皆未達顯著性差異。結論:本研究結果發現10天的短期補充紅藜對於桌球運動員進行中強度的有氧運動之運動時間是無提升效益。


運動訓練 運動表現 紅藜


Purpose: This study investigated the effect of short-term supplementation of djulis on the aerobic exercise time of table tennis players. Methods: The study participants were 22 players from the National Pingtung University of Technology table tennis team. The participants were divided into djulis and placebo groups according to their weight. One week before the experiment, the VO2max of all study participants was tested with Ergoline bicycle and Bruce protocol. Both groups took the 65%VO2max bicycle exhaustion test before and after the test, and recorded their exercise time. The experimental treatment period was 10 days between the pretest and posttest. The single-blind design supplemented djulis /com starch with a dose of 0.016g/kg/day. SPSS 18.0 was used for descriptive statistics, dependent t-test and analysis of covariance (ANCOVA). Results: There was no significant difference in the exercise time between the djulis group and the placebo group. The pretest and posttest exercise time of the placebo group and the djulis group also had no significant difference. Conclusion: 10 days of short-term supplementation of djulis did not improve the exercise time of table tennis players performing moderate-intensity aerobic exercise.
