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The Theoretical Interpretation of "The Bodhisattvas" in the Vimalakīrti Sūtra




菩薩品 彌勒菩薩 授記 道場


On a visit to Maitreya Bodhisattva, Vimalakīrti spontaneously spoke of a practitioner's non-regression and the true meaning of the Buddha's prophecy in the chapter, "The Bodhisattvas" of the Vimalakīrti Sūtra. The intention was to transcend and not meant to be confined with such views, especially for Bodhisattvas with keen faculties, knowing that they are innately buddhas. Additionally, Vimalakīrti narrated the concept of daochang (道場), meaning a place for spiritual practice. However, for a true Buddhist practitioner who cultivates in accordance with the Buddha's teachings, and abides with the Mahāyāna practices, every moment is a daochang. Furthermore, Vimalakīrti advised Jagatimdhara Bodhisattva on the method to liberate all beings through expedient means. Vimalakīrti accepted Māra's offering of daughters for the sake of preaching the Dharma to them. Afterwards, they shall return to Māra's palace and spread the inexhaustible lamp of Dharma to others. Countless beings benefited from this boundless transmission of Dharma. Vimalakīrti went on to preach the concept of generosity. Of key importance is not merely to give wealth but to offer the Dharma that can liberate self and others, assisting them on the path to Buddhahood. This paper uses Chinese philosophical methodologies, such as the theories of cultivation and attainment, to analyze the text and reveal its intent.
