  • 會議論文
  • OpenAccess


An Analysis on the Practice of the Bodhisattva Path and its Integration into Society in Humanistic Buddhism: An Investigation Focusing on Master Taixu, Master Fafang, and Venerable Master Hsing Yun




Master Taixu advocated that Humanistic Buddhism adheres to Mahayana Buddhism's spirit of the Bodhisattva path. The compassionate spirit of service and benefiting others, based on the Four Means of Embracing, Six Perfections, and Four Immeasurables, demonstrates the humanistic and realistic character of Mahayana Buddhism. It also reveals the Buddhist practice of compassion, precepts, and prajna wisdom in daily life. As proposed by Taixu, the practice of the Bodhisattva Path in Humanistic Buddhism is a practice based on "human bodhisattvas." The conception of "human bodhisattvas" establishes the foundation, direction, and method for the study and practice of Humanistic Buddhism. Correspondingly, Taixu established the relationship between Humanistic Buddhism and society based on a framework grounded on the notions of "human bodhisattvas" and "a bodhisattva's place of learning." Fafang, a disciple of Taixu, formulated the Seven Procedures grounded in the Three Refuges and Five Precepts as guidelines on Humanistic Buddhist practice and social action for laity and monastics. Concurrently, the Three Acts of Goodness, Four Givings, and Five Harmonies are Venerable Master Hsing Yun's proposed, insightful, and modern adaptation of the Three Learnings: precepts, meditative concentration, and wisdom in Humanistic Buddhism. Through these, the spirit of the Bodhisattva Path in Humanistic Buddhism, reflected in community service, is succinctly explained. The Three Acts of Goodness encapsulate the essence of Buddhist practice in body, speech, and mind by guiding the devotees to "do good deeds, speak good words, and think good thoughts," thereby fostering truth, virtue, and beauty in society. The Four Givings is a reformulation of generosity, one of the Six Perfections and a spirit of service that manifests loving-kindness, compassion, joy, and equanimity. As a result, "giving others faith, giving others joy, giving others hope, and giving others convenience" are practiced as the spirit of the Bodhisattva in daily life. As such, a humanistic pure land is realized by practicing the Three Acts of Goodness and Four Givings, which give rise to the Five Harmonies: individual harmony achieved through joy, family harmony achieved through deference, interpersonal harmony achieved through respect, social harmony achieved through cooperation, and world harmony achieved through peace.
