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Study of Communication Apprehension Among Students with Different Educational and Cultural background


A 2020 study conducted by Research Psychologist Philips Jeffery on Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD) shows respondents with SAD in China is far greater than the number of respondents with SAD in the US. This data sparked the idea to explore further the topic of intercultural differences related to communication apprehension. This research is meant to answer the question-do students with stronger international background exhibit less communication apprehension when speaking with strangers? By answering this question, this research aims to give parents incite on how their choices make for their children's educations, might impact their communication abilities and life outcome. In addition, it is designed to provide businesses some insight on employees' communication ability from their cultural and educational background-giving communication ability a scale of measure. In answering this question, the experiment paired teenagers from different educational and cultural backgrounds to have a 10 minutes conversation about a pre-selected topic. Their heart rate before, during, and after the conversation were recorded and analyzed.


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Amiri, Fatemeh, and Marlia Puteh. “Oral Communication Apprehension among International Doctoral Students.” English Language Teaching, vol. 11, no. 2, 2018, p. 164., https://doi.org/ 10.5539/ elt.v11n2p164.
