  • 期刊

Research on 3D visualization of Inland Waterway based on Web


With the development of computer technology, the demand for digital Inland Waterway visualization is also increasing. To meet the requirements of 3D visualization of data in inland waterways, a 3D visualization system of waterways is studied and implemented based on Cesium open‐source framework by using Web development, database technology, and so on. The system can display the collected information of Inland Waterway coordinates, ships, navigation marks, and tilt photography models in the form of 3D in the browser, and provide better research and observation results, it verifies the feasibility of 3D visualization of Inland Waterways in web pages and provides some references for the construction of digital Inland Waterway and the application of 3D visualization.


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Wu DeYu., Zhao JianHao., Guo YangYang., et al: Application of BIM technology in regulation of channel from the Grand Canal to the Yangtze River, Port & Waterway Engineering, (2021) No.6, p.188-193.
Ye Na, Yan YiXin, Zhang Xiang, et al: Design and Implementation of three-dimensional Visual Campus System Based on BIM+Cesium, Computer Measurement & Control, Vol.29 (2021) No.1,p.140-145.
Wang Feng, Hou JingMing,. Wang JunHui, et al: 3D visualization method of urban flood simulation based on tilt photogrammetry, Journal of Xi'an University of Technology, Vol.36 (2020) No.4,p.494-501.
