

The exceptional properties of water contribute to the multitudinous uses of it in the world. Nevertheless, the existence of water could cause some hindrances. Hence, the surfaces of organisms in nature utilize the hydrophobic property, such as the lotus leaf, the water-strider legs, the butterfly wings, and rose petals. Similarly, we also need the property for convenience; for example, one cannot expect an umbrella to function if the surface does not repel water. Nevertheless, this review contains the basic concepts, formulae, chemical and material structures, and the natural superhydrophobic surface. Additionally, the synthetic mechanism, advantages, and limitations of artificial design, applications, and other related topics are also explored. One of the essential notions is superhydrophobicity, the property of a surface being super-repellent of water and other hydrophilic substances. The roughness or uneven microscopic structures of the surface material determine the superhydrophobicity. The surface tension allows water droplets to form and bead off instead of spreading out on the superhydrophobic surface. The surfaces' attributes are examined through relationships mainly include Young's relation, the Wenzel relation, and the Cassie-Baxter relation. Related property such as icephobicity that is the repellence of ice, is also explored. Moreover, the applications for a hydrophobic property are endless and can be very beneficial for society. Current applications include sportswear, kitchenwares, water-resistant electronics, nuclear power plants, transportation surfaces, and more. Nonetheless, there are several apprehensions concerning the applications of the superhydrophobic surface. In addition, the exploration in the development of a superhydrophobic surface is also necessary.


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