  • 期刊

The Effects of Arc Gene Mutation on LTP: Synaptic Plasticity


Purpose: This study investigates the effects of Arc gene mutation on Arc's functions, including LTP modification and capsid forming. A mutated Arc gene will be introduced into the cell to replace the wild type Arc gene. The sequence in the Arc gene that codes for capsid forming will be tested by analogy between Arc and retrovirus. The effects of the mutation on synaptic plasticity and long-term potentiation (LTP) will be tested with experiments that associate LTP with electronic shock on rats. There are two possible results: (1) The mutation in the Arc gene will affect the formation of the Arc capsid and the intracellular transportation of the Arc mRNA leading to effects on LTP and LTD. (2) The mutation on the Arc gene will not affect plasticity LTP. Mutation of the Arc gene may interfere with the Arc-GAG interaction and thus prevent the formation of the capsid. Consequently, intercellular transportation, plasticity LTP, and LTD will be affected.


Arc Gene Capsids Mutation Synaptic Plasticity LTP


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