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Application of Flywheel Energy Storage in Ship Medium Voltage DC Power System


Due to the limited capacity of the generator, it is unable to quickly respond to the power demand of the pulse type load when the pulse type load is suddenly added in the medium voltage direct current (MVDC) power system of the ship, which leads to the large fluctuation of the DC bus voltage, and even the collapse of the power system. In order to make the high-power load smoothly connected to the system, a short-time high-power flywheel energy storage system is used to connect to the DC bus for power regulation and voltage compensation to enhance its stability. In this paper, based on MATLAB/Simulink platform, the simulation model of ship medium voltage DC power system and flywheel energy storage is built, and the restraining effect of flywheel energy storage device on bus voltage fluctuation caused by pulse load access is explored. Simulation results show that flywheel energy storage can improve the stability of bus voltage and restrain voltage sag.


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