  • 期刊

Application of Deep Learning in Garbage Classification


In terms of deep learning, after the entire process of research, Resnext101 32x8d WSL was finally used as the deep learning network model, sgd was the optimization function loss function using Cross Entropy Loss, the initial learning rate was set to 0.001, and the learning rate strategy of ReduceLROnPlateau was adopted, and adopted The Auto Augment algorithm is used as a data enhancement strategy. Finally, the accuracy of the deep learning model reached 0.9470, the precision reached 0.9212, the recall rate was 0.8420, and the F1 measurement value was 0.8799. Through intuitive observation and the test results of samples outside the data set, the model has good generalization ability and no overfitting. Since the Resnext101 32x8d WSL network has performed weakly supervised learning based on 940 million images, and its pre-training model is already relatively powerful, it has achieved good performance in actual application scenarios. After the data set is enhanced by AutoAugment, it is equal to Partial disturbances are added to enhance the robustness of the model.


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