

The research on evacuation in China is later than that in developed countries. Since the beginning of the 21st century, as the country attaches more and more importance to security, the research on evacuation is developing faster and faster. A large number of domestic scholars have started to conduct evacuation studies, but the data of evacuation behavior characteristics in China are relatively insufficient, and only foreign data can be referred to, which will inevitably affect the research results. Therefore, in recent years, many scholars began to conduct investigations on evacuation behavior to obtain data.


Pathfinder Subway Evacuation Safety


Nirajan Shiwakoti, examing influence of merging architectural features on pedestrian crowd movement [J]. Safety Science. 2015,75:15-22
LinNa. Cheng. Simulation of Subway Station Fire Emergency Evacuation based on Pathfinder [D]. Lanzhou: Lanzhou Jiaotong University, 2014
ShengYang. Li. Study on fire Simulation and Evacuation of a Subway station [D]. Huainan: Anhui University of Science and Technology, 2018.
Qi.Jia.Simulation of Emergency Evacuation in a Subway Station [D]. Harbin: Harbin Institute of Technology, 2018.
