  • 期刊

Using Computer Programming to Study Mathematical -- Take Number Theory and Fibonacci Number Series as Examples


In the number theory problem of junior high school math contest, we know that the reason why some positive integers cannot be represented as the sum of three integer cubes is that the remainder of the whole integer cube divided by 7 does not go through 0 to 7. On this basis, we extend the remainder set of integer power α about positive integer β, and study its properties, where α is positive integer.


Pan Chengdong, Pan chengbiao, Elementary number theory. Peking University Press,2020.
Zhang bocheng, Wang dechang, New discoveries in ellipses. Bulletin of Mathematics(Wuhan),2019.
Michael Artin, ” ALGEBRA”. Massachusetts Institute of Technology,1991.
Godfrey Harold Hardy, Edward Maitland Wright, D. R. Heath-Brown, Joseph H. Silverman “An Introduction to the Theory of Numbers”.
https://baike.baidu.com/item/Fibonacci sequence.
