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The Application of Slow Setting Prestressed Pullout Pile in Foundation Engineering


In construction engineering, in areas with high groundwater level, when the upper structural load cannot balance the groundwater buoyancy, the whole or part of the structure will be subject to upward buoyancy. In order to offset the upward buoyancy of groundwater on the structure, uplift piles are generally set in the pile foundation. Ordinary uplift piles use the friction force of the pile body to counteract the buoyancy of groundwater. To improve the uplift capacity of ordinary uplift piles, it is necessary to increase the diameter of the pile, which increases the amount of concrete and steel bars used, resulting in increased engineering costs. If bonded prestressed technology is used, it also faces the problem of complex construction process and difficulty in ensuring grouting quality. In order to solve these problems, slow bonded prestressed uplift piles are used in pile foundation. The slow bonding prestressed anti pull pile improves the pile's anti pull bearing capacity and reduces the amount of steel bars while maintaining the same pile diameter, and has been successfully applied in engineering. This provides new ideas and choices for the construction of other pile foundation projects.


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