

Food security is a worldwide problem. China is a country with a large population, and it attaches great importance to the issue of eating. In the spring and Autumn period, Guan Zhong said in Guanzi . Herdsman, "if you have enough food and clothing, you will know honor and Disgrace";Sima Qian also stated in the "Historical records.Biography of Li Sheng and Lu Jia" that " Food is the first necessity of the people "; Comrade Mao Zedong pointed out in the "Declaration of the First Publication of the <Xiangjiang Review>" in 1919, "What is the biggest problem in the world? The biggest problem with eating";Comrade Xi Jinping stressed: "China is a large country with large population. Solving the problem of eating is always the top priority in governing the country."China is a big agricultural country, and also a big country in food production and processing. Food security is very important. Based on the development and change of the concept of food security, this paper starts with the analysis of the current situation of food production and supply and demand, makes a preliminary judgment and outlook on the prospect and trend of national food security during the fourteenth Five Year Plan period, and puts forward specific countermeasures to ensure food security from the aspects of improving agricultural production facilities, mobilizing farmers' enthusiasm for grain production, cultivating soil fertility, improving the multiple cropping index of cultivated land, and advocating grain saving, etc Discussion.


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