  • 期刊

Education on the Ideals and Beliefs of China's Youth from the Historical Lessons of Ideological Construction in the Soviet East


The reasons behind the sudden coup d'état in the Soviet Union and Eastern European countries in the last world, which led to the "return to liberation" overnight, are more complex and diverse. However, from the perspective of ideological construction, the lack of education on ideals and beliefs among the youth of Soviet Eastern European countries quickly led to a total collapse of self‐confidence in socialist theories, beliefs and systems, which eventually led to tragic consequences. This paper attempts to analyze the reasons behind the lack of ideological construction of youth in the Soviet Eastern European countries and draw some present‐day inspirations from them, taking into account some contemporary challenges in the field of youth ideology in China. Reviewing the lessons and warnings of the former Soviet Eastern European countries has both historical and practical significance for the current youth ideal and belief education work in China.


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