  • 期刊

Analysis of the Impact of the Epidemic on All Industries and Psychological Analysis of Consumers


This essay aims to utilize the economic approach methodology developed by Gary S. Becker to analyze consumer's behavioral change found in current events. Economists from different historical points have theorized analyzing human behavior outside the market with various degrees of success, though no unified framework exists until its implementation by Gary Becker. Becker persists on using the 'Homo economicus' assumption to explain human behavior, and that market mechanism could better solve most economic and social problems. Becker provided more refined and incisive views on the economic approach, thus integrating issues that traditionally belong to sociology, demographics, education, political science, law, and sociobiology into the study of economics.


Becker, Gary S. The Economic Approach to Human Behavior. The economic approach to human behavior, 13-14. University of Chicago Press, 1976.
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