  • 期刊

Problems and Reasons of Teaching Methods of Ideological and Political Theory Courses in Colleges Based on Wechat Platform


Colleges improve the effectiveness and relevance of Ideological and political teaching through the unique advantages of wechat platform. Using the regular push function of wechat platform, regularly and quantitatively send relevant ideological and political teaching content on wechat platform. As a supplement to face‐to‐face classroom teaching content, it can maintain the cohesion of Ideological and political education anytime and anywhere, improve the timeliness of Ideological and political teaching information transmission, and create a new method of ideological and political teaching. At the same time, there are also some problems, which are mainly reflected in: promoting the outdated concept of teaching reform based on Ideological and political course; The investment in the teaching reform of Ideological and political course is not enough; The teaching content of Ideological and political course is boring, single, old and backward; Students' attention to the wechat platform of Ideological and political course is not effective. The reasons mainly include two aspects: insufficient attention to the teaching methods of Ideological and political courses on wechat platform; There are some limitations in the information technology level of Ideological and political teachers.


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