

The great charm of platform capitalism in the new century seems to give people the illusion that in fact, capitalism is coping with the 70s and 2008 of the 20th century The policies implemented during the economic crisis laid the foundation for the birth of platform capitalism, and the gradually developed platform has three characteristics of data, network effect and cross‐subsidy, and has evolved into five different types, namely advertising platform, cloud platform, industrial platform, industrial platform, and lean platform. The expansion of data‐driven forces is bound to lead to the development of different platforms into the same field, which in turn will cause monopolistic competition between platforms, and the new provisions of socialism with Chinese characteristics on data interconnection between platforms in the new era have opened a milestone in the mutually beneficial development of platforms, and the dawn of the future path of platform capitalism has emerged.


Platform Data Digital ecology


Nick Srnysek: Platform Capitalism, Guangdong People's Publishing House, China 2018.
Marx: 1844 Manuscripts of Economic Philosophy, People's Publishing House, China,2018.
Lan Jiang: From Data Production to Sharing Platform: Contemporary Western Critique of Digital Capitalism and Its Enlightenment to Socialism with Chinese Characteristics, Ideological and Theoretical Education, No. 5, 2022.
Evanyellos Papadimitoulos: Platform Capitalism, Platform Cooperativism and Open Cooperativism, Foreign Theoretical Dynamics, No. 1, 2022.
Wang Weihua and Dong Yi, Platform Capitalism: Historical Evolution, Realistic Logic and Basic Characteristics: Based on the Critical Perspective of Political Economy, Theoretical Monthly, No. 3, 2022.
