  • 期刊

Research on the Realistic Predicament and Path of Ideological and Political Education in College students' Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education


Integrating ideological and political education into college students ' innovation and entrepreneurship education is an effective way to deepen the reform of college students ' innovation and entrepreneurship education and the training mode of innovative talents. With the connotative development of higher education, new topics and challenges have been put forward for the integration of ideological and political education into innovation and entrepreneurship education. It is inevitable and natural that the integration of ideological and political education into college students ' innovation and entrepreneurship education needs to be embedded in the needs of the times proposed by the trend of education reform. This study identifies two kinds of realistic predicaments in the integration of ideological and political education and innovation and entrepreneurship education in colleges and universities, which makes it impossible to achieve the unity of teaching objectives, the integration of teaching content, the coordination of teaching evaluation and the connection of talent training system. In view of this, from the ideological and political education into college students innovation and entrepreneurship education goal, the characteristics of the integration of them are analyzed; the implementation path of integrating ideological and political education into the teaching content, teaching method and teaching evaluation of innovation and entrepreneurship education are explored; each participant of innovation and entrepreneurship education, precise management are carried out to improve the institutional guarantee system. Through the above forms to provide political direction and value orientation for innovation and entrepreneurship education, strengthen students ' ideals and beliefs, and positively guide young students to establish a correct view of entrepreneurship, good entrepreneurial ethics and pure entrepreneurial motivation.


Information on: http://www.xinhuanet.com/2021-03/13/c_1127205564.htm
Information on: http://www.gov.cn/xinwen/2021-07/12/content_5624392.htm
Information on: http://www.gov.cn/xinwen/2021-10/12/content_5642108.htm
Information on: http://www.moe.gov.cn/jyb_xxgk/xxgk_jyta/jyta_xueshengsi/202011/t20201105_498392.html
X.J. He, X.J. Xu, Y.M.Zeng, et al. Research on the Path of Cultivating Moral Talents in Colleges and Universities under the Concept of "Thinking, Creativity and Integration"(Science and Education Guide), Vol. 27 (2021) No. 3, p.100-102.
