  • 期刊


Research on Japan's Military and Foreign Policy Reform: Taking the Abe Administration's "Hedging Policy" towards the United States as an Example




With the rapid rise of China's military power, the United States, in order to ensure its strategic position in the Asia-Pacific region, launched a new Asian policy during the Trump administration, and jointly proposed the "Indo-Pacific Strategy" concept with Japan. The United States and Japan will unite democracies with similar ideology to check and balance rising countries that are dissatisfied with the status quo. During the Abe administration, Japan adopted a "Hedging" strategy against the United States, seeking a balance between the United States and China, and wooing the United States to prevent military expansion from mainland China. On the other hand, continuing to strengthen economic exchanges with mainland China will help Japan's economic recovery and is in line with the maximization of its own national economic interests. With the asylum of the U.S.-Japan Security System, Japan broke through the prohibition on the exercise of collective self-defense rights and the prohibition on sending troops overseas, and transformed from a supporting role to an equal partnership. Through the case study of Japan's foreign hedging strategy, this paper finds that in the Asia-Pacific region, in the face of the U.S.-China situation, once the U.S. require the selection of side stations, Japan can only choose one of the pro-American or pro-middle, especially in the high-tech industry, there is no neutral space, hedging foreign policy will not be able to continue to promote.


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