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人類居住的能源使用和溫室氣體排放主要來自城市地區,城市及都會區在氣候變遷中的角色日益重要(Seto et al., 2014),而新興的全球氣候風險也主要集中在城市地區(Revi et al., 2014)。去碳化、能源和氣候保護則被視為城市轉型行動領域的重點之一,而為了達成轉型,政府權責體系的劃分為不可或缺之要素(WBGU,2016)。多數臺灣地方政府在推動能源轉型時,仍主要依靠中央政府政策主導,此外地方政府經常面臨資源及人力不足等不利於能源轉型情形,使能源轉型在地方層級無法短時間內做出大幅改變。2011年的311大地震核電廠事故發生,意外促成日本能源電力政策的轉變,日本中央政府為了緊急改善能源問題,短時間內透過修正能源基本計畫、建立再生能源躉購制度及改革電力市場等一連串相關法源的修正及制訂,促使地方開始重視能源相關政策的研擬,除此之外,為提振地方經濟,日本亦研擬地方創生政策,使地方政府將地方能源將能源視為地方重要產業,進而促使地方能源轉型治理之能力建構,保障日本能源安全並解除了短期的能源危機。近年來,臺灣中央政府體認到地方層級參與能源轉型的重要性,研擬「智慧節電計畫」、「縣(市)節電策略建構與推廣示範補助計畫」等相關政策,目的為促進地方節電工作。2017年臺灣正式啟動能源轉型白皮書的規劃,其中包含「全方位推動協助地方能源治理」之能源治理重點推動方案,地方政府亦積極發展相關策略。然而中央政府仍有空間需下放更多權限以推動地方層級的能源轉型,地方政府亦需強化自身的能源治理能量。回顧日本地方能源治理建構的脈絡,也並非透過國家單一法源的修正或投入預算而能達成,而是透過多方政策,強化地方政府能源治理能力,加上釐清地方政府能源與產業經濟相關的行動策略,來提高地方政府對於能源策略的意願及自我建構,進一步讓地方研擬能源願景與規劃相應政策。


Urban areas, cities and metropolitan has become more important in tackling climate change as these areas are the main sources of energy consumption and greenhouse gas emission (Seto et al., 2014). To achieve the goal of decarbonization, energy transition and climate protection, regional or local governments are the key of transformation initiatives (WBGU, 2016). Nowadays, most local governments in Taiwan still rely mainly on national government policies to promote energy transition. In addition, local governments often face shortages of money or human resources, which slows the pace of energy transition. In 2011, the 311 earthquake induced Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster in Japan, led to the transformation of Japan's energy and power policy. In order to improve the energy problem immediately, Japanese national government revised the Strategic Energy Plan, established Feed-in Tariff system, and reformed the electricity market in a short period of time. A series of related systematic change have helped local governments to focus on the developing local energy policies. In addition, in order to boost the local economy, Japan Revitalization Strategy also enables local energy movements. In recent years, the national government of Taiwan has recognized the importance of energy transitions at the local level. In 2017, Taiwan launched the Energy Transition White Paper, which emphasized on promoting local energy governance. However, the national government still needs to decentralize more power and resources for the local energy transition. By reviewing the case studies of Japan, we found that it could be multiple ways to enhance the local governments' governance capacities and wiliness of energy transition strategies.
