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The Effects of Imitation Threat on The Global Creative Trade Flow - Panel Data of Paired Countries with Gravity Model


根據聯合國貿易及發展會議〔UNCTAD(2008)〕的統計,創意產業是全球快速成長的經濟部門之一,在2000年至2005年間的貿易年成長率高達8.7%,為同期間全球貿易量擴張率的1.32倍。創意經濟是當前全球最具潛力的經濟型態之一,跨國間的創意商品貿易網絡發展也愈臻成熟。創意經濟發展兼具「硬實力」與「軟實力」的功能,成為諸多國家經濟發展相關政策之重要選項。由於創意經濟具有獨特的知識性與文化性,故能否給予「創意產權」充分保障,將成為創意產業發展成敗的關鍵,其中「盜版」問題就是重要的觀察指標。自1995年WTO要求其會員國須共同遵守與貿易相關的智慧財產權保護協定以來,智財權保護、盜版問題遂成各界關注的焦點。根據商業軟體聯盟(BSA)的調查資料,全球平均盜版率從2007年的38%上升至2008年的41%,全球軟體盜版總市值超過530億美元。近年相關研究廣泛探討智財權與各產業及不同商品屬性貿易之關係;然而,既有文獻對於近年全球貿易量快速成長的創意商品尚無太多系統性的研究。本文利用引力模型(gravity model),並從UNCTAD創意經濟商品貿易資料庫中,建構配對國家追蹤資料,檢視仿冒威脅對全球創意商品貿易流量之影響,並驗證智財權保護在全球創意商品貿易中所扮演的角色。本文實證結果發現,地理距離、進口國平均關稅率對創意商品貿易流量為負向影響,創意商品貿易存在市場規模效果,而文化相似性對於創意商品貿易具正向效果。值得一提的是,雖然仿冒威脅對於創意商品貿易具有負面影響,但其影響程度,取決於智財權保護程度,意即若進口國為高智財權保護國家,出口國對該類進口國之出口相較於低智財權保護的國家,有較高的出口傾向。


Creative economy is the most promised economic type nowadays. According to the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) 2008's report on creative economy, it is the rapidest growing economic sector around the world. The growth rate of it is 8.7% per year, which is 1.32 times of the global trade expansion rate. Creative economy can not only ease the unemployment problem and generate higher economic value but also expand a country's foreign relation and publicize its nationwide characteristics. All these benefits make many countries manage to develop their own creative economic industry. That is not the whole story, accompanying with the booming creative economy, the transnational trade of creative commodities and services surge tremendously. The trade amount among the major creative export countries is so considerable that generates already a creative trade network. Because the creative economy is featured with knowledge and cultural uniqueness, sufficient protection of intellectual property rights (IPR) becomes the key to the development of creative industry. The severity of piracy problem is therefore an important indicator. Ever since WTO asked its members to obey the rules made in the agreement of IPR protection in 1995, protection of IPR and the piracy problem have been a worldwide issue. As reported by the Business Software Alliance (BSA), the global average piracy rate increases from 38% in 2007 to 41% in 2008 and worth the market value of 53 billion US dollars! Despite the numerous research on the protection of IPR within different industries, the systematic analyses on the creative commodities and services are rarely made. This study hence exploits the gravity model to explore the effects of IPR protection on creative industry and further figures out the role of the imitation threat in the international creative trade. The data from 2000 to 2005 of the largest 50 creative export countries are utilized, which is provided by UNCTAD's report in 2008. The empirical results show that the distance between the capitals of two countries and the average tariffs both exhibit significant negative effects. The similarity of the cultures between two countries on the contrary significantly increases their bilateral trade. Moreover, the creative commodities and services do show market size effect. Lastly, the exporters have stronger intention to export to the countries with relatively high IPR protection, no matter the level of importer's imitation threat.
