  • 會議論文
  • OpenAccess



開放教育資源(Open Educational Resources, 簡稱OERs)是以開放授權(Open license)方式讓全世界的教育者及學習者都能夠免費使用、重製、修改與分享線上教育資源,資料類型包羅萬象,範圍涵蓋系列課程內容、教科書、教學大綱、上課講義、作業、測驗、影音與動畫等。在開放教育資源的概念之下,優質的課程教材與教學設計得以透過網路與全世界的教育者和學習者分享。藉由知識共享、創作共用的基礎,達成學生主動、師生互動與同儕合作的目標,同時也解決貧富及城鄉教學資源不均的問題。因各網站所擁有的開放教育資源都分散在各處且彼此之間缺少了關聯性,在整理教材時需耗費極大時間在瀏覽網頁和過濾重複網頁。因此如果可以蒐集網路上的開放教育資源,並透過本體論整合與關聯的特性在資料上加註標籤屬性描述,資料之間的關係透過本體論架構呈現,進而提拱一個搜尋服務讓系統做介接使用,就能達到整合的目的,減少教育者整理教學教材的時間。本研究提出以本體論為基礎的整合搜尋框架,結合本體論與語意網,包含有資料收集、本體論知識庫與資料查詢。將不同OER網站內容透過網路爬蟲進行擷取,並整合本體論模型與語意網,建立類別屬性,去除重複性網頁資料。教育者和學習者以關鍵字查詢,即可搜尋出精準字詞相關的結果資料,將可應用於傳統課程與磨課師課程使用。


Open Educational Resources (OERs) are teaching and learning materials that have been published under an open license and online open access that can be used, redistributed, adapted and shared by educators and learners worldwide with no-cost access. The range of OERs is diverse, including textbooks, curricula, lecture notes, assignments, tests, audio, video, animation, etc. Under the concept of OERs, higher-quality teaching materials and instructional design of courses can be shared online with educators and learners around the world. Based on knowledge and creative sharing, the goals of cooperation between teachers and students, students and students can be achieved. It can also solve the problem of uneven teaching resources between rich and poor, city and country at the same time. However, due to the fact that the OERs resources owned by each website are not integrated and there is no correlation among them, it takes a lot of time to browse the webpage and filter the duplicate webpage when organizing the teaching materials. So, if we tag OERs data which is collected from the network with the attributes of the characteristics of ontology integration and association, the relationship between the data can be presented through an ontological framework, and an open search service can be established to allow the system to be used as a medium to achieve the purpose of integrating OER resources and reducing the time for educators to organize teaching materials. This study proposes an ontology-based integrated search framework that includes Data Collection, Ontology Knowledge, and Data Queries. Different OER website content can be retrieved through web crawlers and integrated with ontology model to remove repetitive webpage information. Educators and learners can search for results related to precise words by keyword query, which will be applied to traditional courses and MOOCs courses.
