  • 會議論文
  • OpenAccess

結合藍牙信標與QR Code技術之智慧校園點名系統


利用紙本的學生名單來逐一唱名是目前常見的點名方式,但是在學生人數較多時,教師就必須花費許多時間在點名上。近來一些校園開始使用行動裝置搭配藍牙信標(Bluetooth Beacon)技術,可達成快速點名的功效。點名過程中,學生使用手機App掃描教師端的Beacon訊號,一旦成功收到Beacon訊號就可將出席狀態上傳到資料收集系統。然而,Beacon訊號有可能被擷取下來而且在遠端重播,造成即使學生缺席但仍可以成功上傳出席狀態。為了解決這個問題,本論文提出結合藍牙Beacon與QR Code兩項技術來建構一個智慧校園點名系統,其獨特之處在於學生收到教師的Beacon訊號之後,必須掃描由另一位學生產生的QR Code才允許上傳簽到資訊,也就是透過強制學生彼此之間的互動行為來降低出席造假的情形。本系統目前正在實作當中,預期很快可以完成。


It is a common practice by teachers to print the list of students and then take a roll call in the classes. This approach may take a considerable amount of time on the roll call process when the size of the class is large. Recently, many smartphone-based roll call systems have been proposed to speed up the process. During the roll call process, students use their smartphone app to scan for specific Bluetooth beacon packets. Once a student receives the beacon packet, he/she can proceed to upload his/her presence state to a data collection system. However, if the beacon packets are captured and then replayed remotely, a student can successfully upload his/her presence state even if he/she is absent from the class. To cope with the issue, in this paper we combine Bluetooth beacon with QR Code technologies. The uniqueness of our system lies in that before a student can upload his/her presence state, he/she needs to scan a QR Code generated by another fellow student. With the mandatory interaction with other students, we expect that the chances of fake presence state can be lowered. The system is currently under development, and will be completed soon.
