  • 會議論文
  • OpenAccess





Nowadays, most industries use information-based operations to increase processing efficiency, and in order to save labor costs, the adoption ratio of chatbots is gradually increasing. Through artificial intelligence technology and computer programs to simulate real-life conversations, it can be applied to online shopping and online customer service, ordering meals, etc. Therefore, this thesis is to use the chatting robot to make a school campus navigation system. The system uses the crawler program to extract data from the school webpage, analyze and sort the content, and store the information needed by the campus related users. In addition to generating user intents (Intents), the system performs keyword(Entities) query analysis also. When the user inputs the query string, the sentence will perform word segmentation and keywords those best meet the user's needs are found. The corresponding answer is returned to the user, and the user will be able to get the answers required for the campus tour in the shortest possible time. In addition, system vocabularies are variable. For keywords that are not in the keyword vocabulary, the new add-new-keyword operation is processed through the judgment of developing algorithm, and the corresponding intention will be completed to increase the availability of the campus navigation and the correctness of the query result.


AI Dialogflow ChatBot Nature Language Processing


