  • 期刊


Stress Analysis of the Temporomandibular Joint during Mandibular Movement


人類下顎骨是由兩側顳顎關節(temporomandibular joint)與頭骨相連,此關節可提供下顎骨與顱骨間有相 當大之活動性,雖然顳顎關節表面不平滑,但中間有一軟骨性關節盤(cartilaginous articular disc),被認為可使不平滑關節表面間接之觸面積增加,減少接觸時產生之壓力。早期認為哺乳動物之顳顎關節並非承重關節(loading-bearing joint),然而,亦有其他學者表示,顳顎關節因咀嚼系統作用,會有很重的負載(heavily loaded),當力量過大時,甚至有可能會進一步造成顱顎障礙症(craniomandibular disorders)。因此,瞭解咀嚼力量是否會傳遞到顳顎關節及其程度大小,是很重要之議題,可幫忙臨床評估與診斷治療。很多關於人類咀嚼系統的實驗性方法與數學性模型,都被用來說明及預測這些作用在關節上之力量,其中利用有限元素法,可以模擬包含關節盤的顳顎關節受力大小與分佈,這些分析包括模擬二維或三維的顳顎關節生物力學與特性,有助於我們瞭解關節之運作。


Human mandible is connected to the skull with bilateral temporomandibular joints which could provide considerable movement between the mandible and skull. The cartilaginous articular disc in temporomandibular joint is considered to increase the articular surfaces and reduce the contact stress, although the surface of temporomandibular joint is not smooth. In early period, it was believed that temporomandibular joint of mammals was not a load-bearing joints. However, other researcher postulated that temporomandibular joint could have heavily load during masticatory function sometimes may lead to the occurrence of craniomandibular disorder. Therefore, to study the chewing forces passed to the temporomandibular joint and the amount of loading was very important. Many experimental methods or mathematical models of the human masticatory system have been used to illustrate and predict the loading of the joints, such as the finite element analysis through the simulation of two or three dimensional biomechanics of the temporomandibular joint.
