  • 期刊


Skills for Temporary Reinforcement of Historic Textiles and Embroidery




織品 刺繡 暫時性加固 可逆性 最小干預


Traditional embroidered relics are common, but precious, collections in folk temples and cultural clubs of Taiwan, and they have been attracting increasing attention in recent years. A lot of ancient embroideries exist, but there are insufficient resources and few correct protocols for protecting and maintaining such collections. Most of the traditional embroideries in Taiwan, which demonstrate superb embroidery skills, are raised embroideries with cotton as the padding material. However, the motifs on raised embroideries can easily result in splits or damages of the substrate due to their weight. The accessories stitched onto these embroidered relics, such as metal-wound threads, mirrors, paper piping, beads and feathers, can easily become loose, twisted or even lost due to aging or breaking of the thread. The purpose of this paper is to proactively rescue these historic folk embroideries in Taiwan. Following the accepted conservation principles of reversibility and minimum intervention and considering the easy removal of the added materials safely in the future, the lightest hexagonal polyester mesh are used for reinforcing, attached using the thinnest single-strand polyester thread. The applied mesh and the thread help the substrate to support the weight of the raised embroidery motif, preventing the accessories on the embroidered relics from becoming loose or lost, and retaining as much historical information as possible for future research. This repair and conservation preserves and maintains these precious textiles and embroidered heritage of Taiwan in the most effective way.


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