  • 期刊


Book Review: Underwater Cultural Heritage and International Law


緣2001年《聯合國教育科學文化組織保護水下文化遺產公約》(Convention on the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage)訂立迄今,綜觀全世界以英文著作,且從法律觀點對水下文化遺產進行分析的專門書籍,幾乎付之闕如。直至英國諾丁漢大學(University of Nottingham)海商法教授Sarah Dromgoole,整合相關書籍及散見的期刊論文、國際會議紀錄文件等資料,著作堪稱目前為止最為翔實的水下文化遺產國際法專書Underwater Cultural Heritage and International Law,揆其論述、內容及編研水準,譽之為該研究領域的教科書級鉅作,實亦不為過。該書分為十章,鉅細靡遺地討論保護水下文化遺產所涉及的相關議題;本書評冀收拋磚引玉之效,從而興利得益,據以踐行保護水下文化遺產核心價值。


The issue of underwater cultural heritage has long been plagued by a lack of a detailed legal textbook since 2001. Not until Sarah Dromgoole (Professor of Maritime Law, University of Nottingham) wrote a book entitled Underwater Cultural Heritage and International Law, did the situation change. Her book consists of 10 chapters, analysing legal issues regarding the protection of underwater cultural heritage at the detailed level. While plain English has already been used in Dromgoole's book, this book review helps her potential readers reduce the reading difficulty and bring further thoughts.


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Carducci, Guido. 2003. “The Crucial Compromise on Salvage Law and the Law of Finds." In R. Garabello & T. Scovazzi (eds ), The Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage (pp. 193-206). Leuden: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers.
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