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TRIZ-based Systematic Circumvention Method for Patent Clusters


本研究引入萃智創新手法(TRIZ)於產品專利迴避領域中,從技術面提出一套針對單專利或多專利迴避與再生的手法流程。其流程共分為專利辨識、專利功能重解及專利迴避三大階段。本流程利用削剪流程(Trimming Processes)、科技效應知識庫(Effect Database)、40發明原則(Inventive Principles)、質場分析(Substance Field Analysis)等萃智工具及主功能-元件-功能-屬性的系統化思維方式進行重新解題或迴避再設計,最後所得之概念解再驗證是否成功地迴避它項專利。若驗證迴避成功,則不僅可迴避掉目標專利群,其所得之概念解往往亦可達到申請專利之條件。本研究主要貢獻包括:1)提出一個專利迴避與再生的手法流程。幫助使用者能有系統性地走過流程並處理專利再生與迴避以解決問題;2)提供制式表格說明案例,可方便使用者使用;3)針對專利群組進行迴避,而不是對各別專利分開迴避,可更有效地同時迴避多個相關專利,甚至達到專利再生而產生新專利。


The research used TRIZ product design and problem-solving tools in the field of patents circumvention from technical perspective. Most patent circumvention methods involved only one patent at a time. It is possible that multiple patents are in our way of product design and manufacturing. This research proposed a systematic process to circumvent multiple related patents and possibly leads to patent re-generation-though the process can also be reduced to treat one patent at a time. The process has three stages, including relevant patent identification, resolving patent functionalities, and patent circumvention. TRIZ tools such as Trimming Rules, Effect Database, Invention Principles and Substance Field Analysis are used to re-solve or re-design the key functions of the patents or circumvent components or attributes of the patents. The results may not only lead to circumvention of the patent clusters, but also the re-generation of patentable ideas. The contributions of this work include: 1) Proposing a systematic method to re-generate or circumvent patent; 2) Designing a set of structured forms with examples and explanations to facilitate the systematic way of patent re-generation and circumvention; 3) Providing capability of circumventing patent clusters instead of single patents as there often multiple patents which may be in the way of design or manufacturing endeavors.
