  • 期刊


The Communist International and the Governing Practice of the Early Soviet Regime of the Communist Party of China




After the failure of the Great Revolution, the Communist Party of China, under the guidance of the Communist International, established the policy of carrying out the Agrarian Revolution and armed uprising, and then began to establish the Soviet regime. However, in this period, influenced by the "left" dogmatism of the Communist International and the "city-centered theory", the Chinese Soviet revolutionary movement copied the experience of the Soviet revolution from the very beginning, resulting in the successive failure of the urban riots. It is also during this period that, after the baptism of many lessons learned from the failure of urban armed uprising, more and more revolutionaries began to realize that there would be a vast space for revolutionary development in the country side affected by the Great Revolution. The CPC, represented by Mao Zedong, bravely broke through the theoretical mode of the Communist International, and began to explore the revolutionary road of "encircling the cities from the rural areas and seizing the state power by military force" which is suitable for China s reality, and thus provided practical basis and theoretical source for Chinese revolutionary exploration. The governing practice of the early Soviet regime of CPC reflects the different understanding of the path of Chinese Soviet regime between the Communist International and CPC.
