  • 期刊


Antebellum American Women's Temperance Papers and Women's Public Participation




In the 1840s, with the emergence of women's temperance societies, female temperance reformers began to found their own temperance papers. The popularity of ladies' magazines and the improvement of women's education in the early Republic all made it possible for the birth of women's temperance papers. Represented by The Olive Plant, and Ladies' Temperance Advocate and The Lily, these temperance papers were either an organ of women's temperance societies or a good way for self-expression. From the perspective of women, the papers presented the multidimensional images of women in the movement and delivered women's understandings on temperance reform and their own public role, which showed the autonomy of women's public participation. In the process, women reformers participated in printing and publishing as writer, editor, publisher, exercising their freedom of the press to promote the temperance movement and shape the public opinion. This demonstrated the diversity of ways of women's public participation apart from the right to vote.
