  • 期刊


Association between Shift Rotation and Health Habits, Health Status, and Health Promotion Needs of Healthcare Workers: An Example of a Medical Center in Northern Taiwan


目的:醫療機構員工因工作內容具有高度勞力密集、高度心理負荷等特質,且輪班工作也對員工的生活作息產生影響,因此醫療機構員工的健康不容忽視。探討台北市某醫學中心職場員工是否輪班對於健康習慣、健康狀況、健康維護及健康需求之差異情形。方法:本研究採橫斷性的結構問卷調查方式進行資料收集,並以方便取樣方式選取北部某醫學中心20歲以上及年資滿三個月以上之正職員工。SAS 9.3統計軟體,以描述性統計呈現樣本的健康習慣與狀況等,並以卡方檢定、T檢定、多元羅吉斯迴歸,分析輪班對健康習慣、健康狀況及健康維護的影響。結果:本研究共收案385位受試者,女性(310位,80.52%),年齡以30-39歲(110位,28.57%)、固定班別(70.65%)為多數。輪班者每週運動天數為3-4天及5天以上者比0-2天的勝算較固定班別者分別減少48%(p=.028)、66%(p=.066),顯示輪班者在「每週運動天數」較固定班別者少;在自覺健康狀況部份,自覺健康狀況「普通」及「好」比自覺健康狀況「不好」的勝算較固定班別者分別減少55%(p=.011)、58%(p=.028),換言之自覺健康狀況亦較固定班別者差。員工希望醫療機構能推動前三項目分別為「推廣健康飲食」、「推廣運動風氣」及「推廣定期健康檢查」。結論:需輪班的員工在運動習慣及自覺健康狀況較固定班別者差,此外員工希望院方能推廣健康飲食、運動風氣,定期健康檢查,故建議醫院能針對員工的需求提出相對應的介入方案,進而成為優質的健康職場。


Background and Objectives: Works in healthcare are characterized by high labor intensity, heavy mental burden, and shift rotation which could affect health of healthcare workers. This study aims to investigate the association between shift rotation and health status and needs in healthcare providers. Methods: Data was collected in a cross-sectional survey with a structured questionnaire on respondents who were selected by convenience sampling from the full-time employees who were 20 years of age or older and worked for at least 3 months in a medical center of northern Taiwan. Health status and behaviors were described as mean and standard deviation or percentages. We examined the associations of shift work with health status and needs on health promotion measures by applying multinomial logistic regression analysis. Results: A total of 385 respondents were included in this study, with a mean body mass index (BMI) and standard deviation of 22.82 ± 3.6 kg/m^2. The majority of the participants were female (80.52%), aged 30-39 years (28.57%), and working with fixed shifts (70.65%). Comparing to their counterparts with fixed shifts and selecting doing physical activities (PA) 0-2 days/week as the reference group, the healthcare workers with rotating shifts had lower likelihoods of doing PA 3-4 days and 5 days or more per week (odds ratio (OR)=0.48, p=.028; OR=0.66, p=.066, respectively). When using the poor self-rated health status as the reference group, the rotating-shift workers had lower likelihoods of reporting a moderate or good self-rated health status (OR=0.55, p=.011; OR=0.58, p<.028, respectively). In other words, the rotating shift worker had poorer on doing physical activity and self-rated health status than fixed shift workers. The top three most important health promotion activities that the healthcare workers thought the hospital should commit to promote were eating healthy diet, doing physical activity, and taking regular health examination. Discussion and conclusions: This study indicates that healthcare workers with rotating shifts performed poorer on doing PA and had poorer self-rated health status than those who had fixed shifts. Hospitals were prompted to promote healthy diet, physical activity, and regular health examinations. We suggest healthcare facilities develop intervention programs based on the health needs of their staff to shape healthy workplaces.
