  • 期刊


Effectiveness of Nurse Shifting Information System: a Pilot Study of a Regional Teaching Hospital


目的:護理交班是傳遞病人照護資訊的正式途徑,資訊不完整輕則延誤治療,重則影響病人安全。探討交班資訊系統導入對護理師交班的滿意度與工作績效之影響,並期望將正面的系統實施經驗形塑於個案醫院,作為日後其他護理資訊持續推廣的基礎。研究方法:跨部門合作,初期導入系統於婦兒科病房。以使用系統3個月以上共41位護理師進行問卷調查,收集評價資料。使用SPSS 23.0軟體進行敘述性統計分析,並以SmartPLS 3.0軟體執行測量模式分析及結構模式分析。結果:模式驗證共六項假說皆支持,資訊品質與服務品質正向影響使用者滿意度(R^2=0.875),任務特性與科技特性正向影響任務科技適配度(R^2=0.819),模式解釋力達90.5%(依變數為『工作績效』)。結論:個案醫院將婦兒科病房作為推展新系統的前哨站,逐步擴散成功經驗至全院。護理師對系統功能、資訊品質、服務品質皆有正向感受,在交班工作上同時感受到系統介入後所帶來的正面幫助與良好的滿意度。系統導入後交班完整率達100%,有效提升工作績效並進而增進護理師工作價值。


Purpose: Nursing shift reports are the official channel to deliver patient care-related information. Incomplete or misleading information could delay treatment, or worse, pose a threat to patient safety. This study investigated the deployment and performance evaluation of the new system in the case hospital. Base on the positive experiences, further to diffuse to the entire hospital and enhance new nursing information systems promotion. Method: The new system was implemented via inter-departmental cooperation while the OBS/GYN wards were selected as the pilot units. A total of 41 nurses who used the system for more than three months participated in the questionnaire survey. SPSS Version 23.0 was used to analyze the respondent characteristics, Smart PLS 3.0 was adopted to verify the research model and hypotheses. Results:Six hypotheses were verified and were significantly supported in this study. "Information quality" and "service quality" has a positive effect on user satisfaction (R^2=0.875) respectively. "Task characteristic" and "technology characteristic" has a positive effect on "task-technology fit" (R^2=0.819) respectively. Finally, the model explanatory power was revealed 90.5% (dependent variable as "job performance"). Conclusion: The case hospital selected OBS/GYN wards as the outpost for the new system introduction, and it plans to further diffuse the successful experience to the whole hospital. Nursing staff have positive perceptions on system functions, information quality, and service quality. They received positive help and fully support from the new system intervention to advance the patient satisfaction level. The completion rate of the nursing shift report achieved 100% to improve work performance and nursing staff value after the system was introduced.


shift report information system pilot study


