  • 期刊


Psychometric Validations of the "Work Behavior Inventory and the Preliminary Testing" used in Vocational Rehabilitation


目的:本研究針對「工作行為衡量表(Work Behavior Inventory,WBI)」用於精神病患參與產業治療工作表現評估工具之心理計量特性進行驗證。方法:以新北市一家綜合醫院精神科日間病房學員為對象,主要使用WBI,並佐以手功能評估工具、工具性日常生活評估工具及工作適應評估工具,來驗證其相關性。並納入認知評估工具來檢視基礎性及高功能認知功能之執行能力。再使用精神與情緒狀態之評估工具,了解精神及情緒狀態對工作表現之影響。結果:WBI無顯著天花板及地板效應,內在一致性及再測信度皆達到.70之標準。在效度方面,WBI可由其與手功能測驗之顯著相關性及與工具性日常生活功能評量、尤其在活動參與頻率方面呈現顯著相關。結論:本研究顯示WBI為一具有可接受範圍信效度之工作行為能力評量工具,可做為研究與臨床評估工具之選擇。


Objective: This study validates the psychometric characteristics of the Work Behavior Inventory (WBI) used to evaluate the performance of mental patients participating in industrial therapy. Methods: The patients in the psychiatric day wards of a general hospital in New Taipei City were used as the target, mainly using WBI, with hand function assessment tools, instrumental daily life assessment tools and work adaptation assessment tools to verify their relevance. It also incorporates cognitive assessment tools to examine basic and high-functional cognitive functioning. Then use mental and emotional state assessment tools to understand the impact of mental and emotional states on work performance. Results: WBI had no significant ceiling and floor effects, and the internal consistency and retest reliability reached the standard of .70. In terms of validity, WBI can be significantly correlated with its hand function test and instrumental daily life function evaluation, especially in terms of activity participation frequency. Conclusion: This study shows that WBI is a work performance assessment tool with acceptable range of reliability and validity, and can be used as a choice for research and clinical assessment tools.


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