  • 期刊

The Impact and Path Choice of Sino-US Trade Friction on the "Going Out" of New Infrastructure


Since the Sino-US trade friction in 2018, China's new infrastructure development has been subject to frequent sanction by the us, and its road to abroad has hit a bottleneck. This paper summarizes the present situation and characteristics of new infrastructure , and finds that: influenced by Sino-US trade friction, it is a shift for China's new infrastructure orders, and enterprises face challenges in development; the root of enterprise threat stem from lack of core competitiveness of Chinese enterprises in the high-end technology industry; the Sino-US trade friction has a great short-term impact on China's new infrastructure construction, but it lacks long-term effect. Therefore, this paper proposes some strategies for enterprises to improve their competitiveness from the perspectives of industry-university-research institute cooperation innovation and dynamic capabilities enhancement, so as to reduce the negative impact of Sino-US trade friction on enterprises.


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